Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Vs. Emission Testing - 1200 Words

In a modern society, people always face the dilemma to choose whether obey ethic standards or gain more profit. This problem is the much-debated one in that it affects everyone in their daily lives. Despite various responses, people may have on the topic that the Volkswagen engineer James Liang pleads guilty for his role in cheat U.S. emission test. Back to last year James Liang and his co-conspirators designed and implemented software for new â€Å"EA 189† diesel engine, to cheat the missions tests. They knew it was impossible to create a diesel engine that could meet the U.S. emission standard, so they developed a software â€Å"defeat device,† which could recognize the difference between using the dynamometer to measure the emission quality in†¦show more content†¦It is important to have an understanding of Maxim, Will, and Duty to better understand the Categorical Imperative theory. Maxim is a subjective principle of volition; Kant believed that when people were doing something, they always followed the general principle. For example, if one person needed to borrow some money from his friend, and he knows that he was not able to pay it back. However, he still borrowed that money from his friend. In this time, the general principle is that whenever I need money, I can borrow it from the others, even though I know that I would not give it back. So that people would follow this general principle under the same situation if they argue with it. Also, the will means what makes a good man good is the will to have a decision that is decided by universal moral law in some way. Besides, the last one is the duty, according to Kant’s theory; he believed that self-interest and motivation are different; how people act from the respect of the universal law would make a good will. In another word, the theory of duty is a person with the capacity to act morally to universal law. 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