Friday, February 21, 2020

Political science Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 7

Political science - Essay Example Chief of staff identifies the leader of an intricate institution or body of individuals who is the coordinator of the endorsing or supporting staff. Chief of staff offers a buffer between the executive’s direct reporting team and the chief executive. The chief of staff has the duty to advice and confidante the chief executive. The roles of the chief of staff depend on the people involved and the actual position. Filibuster or talking out a bill can be defined as any obstructive techniques utilized to prevent a measure from being brought on the floor of the house for vote. The most familiar form of filibuster takes place when a senator tries to delay a vote on a crucial bill by extending the debate or discussion on the measure. The main intention of a filibuster is delaying or killing legislation from approval. Due to the fact, the senate carries out its activities based on unanimous consent; one person can establish a delay by opposing to the request. In some scenarios, such as considering resolution on the day the legislation is brought from the House, the delay could last the whole day. Since the delay is a legislative day, the majority of members can address it by adjourning the session. A bill refers to a proposed law under deliberation by lawmakers or legislatures. In order for a bill to become a policy or law, it must be passed by the lawmakers and consented by the executive. A bill is introduced in the House by the executive where the legislatures meet and discusses the requirement of the executive. They debate the authenticity of the bill and reach a consensus. In case, the legislatures disapprove it, it does not qualify to be a law but once they approve it, the executive signs it into law. Veto power is the power given to nations such as France, Russia, United States of America, Britain and China by the United Nation to unilaterally stop or endorse an official

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