Thursday, November 21, 2019

Technology (Jeff Hans multi-touch sensor + applications protaining to Essay

Technology (Jeff Hans multi-touch sensor + applications protaining to this new software ) - Essay Example We have came a long way since 1979 and have witnessed many new advancements made in this field but none compare to the creation of Jeff Han’s Multi-touch sensor. Developed in NYUs Department of Computer Science, the multi-touch sensor is a revolutionary device that will forever change the way humans interact with machines. The multi-touch sensor in its simplest form is an advance version of the touch screen interface. A touch screen is a unique input device that eliminates the conventional use of the computer’s mouse and keyboard and replaces it with the use of a human hand and a touch sensitive screen. The concept of using human touch as the means to communicate becoming popular, owes its origins to the works of Sherrick (1985) and Rollmam (1999), changing the paradigm of commands and input devices in a computer controlled environment. (1). Unlike its predecessor the multi-touch system has the capabilities to recognize more then just one touch point. A touch point is the contact made on a particular touch screen; this is possible by sensors that pick up the pressure made form the human touch, the heat from a human hand, and or cameras that capture the actual touch made. Software programs can be written to make use of this technology to vastly enhance the interaction between the human and the c omputer. (2). The significance of the multi-touch interface can not be adequately understood unless one knows the significance of a regular touch screen. Touch screens in general already eliminate the use of the bulky keyboard and mouse. This presents a friendly outlook on the computer experience which enables the creation of a flux in user. It eliminates the analogy of the word desktop and actually transforms the computer in to an actual desk. This effect is crated by the touch screen interface that allows users to touch what they see. No longer are icons and images viewed as being an abstract object on a screen, but through the means of the touch screen they

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