Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Consumer Behaviour on Facebook Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Consumer Behaviour on Facebook - Essay Example The case study described clearly demonstrated the way people buy things have undergone major transition. The consumer buying behaviours have changed dramatically with the advent of the Social commerce. The case study also described about the major players, who contributed significantly in the social commerce business. The strategy followed by ‘Groupon’ that offered heavy discount on different products was a success. The inculcation of global e-commerce led to the evolution of new infrastructure in the business world. Merchandising was believed to be the key difference between old e-commerce and the new method of selling with the help of internet. The Consumer behaviour is believed to be the most important concept of marketing. The organization’s success and failure can be determined with the help of identifying the behaviours and attitude of its consumers towards the company’s product. Today E-commerce is considered to be the most important and significant evolution in the business world. The e-commerce is represented in terms of social commerce, which is believed to be the subset of e-commerce. The main function of social commerce is to facilitate the online business activities without the requirement of any hard shape structure of the business. In the new world of technology and efficiency, social networking is becoming the necessity of life for the internet users. The reason is that the social networking helps the people to interact among one another, anywhere in the world. The concept of social networking was inculcated by yahoo in 2005 (Warner, 2011, p. 439). The major reason for such inculcation was the introduction of the more convenient way of shopping. The concept of social commerce or social networking began with the co-operative movements that led to the creation of â€Å"Peoples Supermarket† movement (Clapperton, 2012). The idea behind the encouragement of â€Å"Peoples Supermarket† movement was to gather the smart entrepreneurs to make money with small start-up capital. With the passage of time, the concept of social commerce began dominating the traditional suppliers of the products. The conglomerate of large entrepreneurs, who entered in the field of social commerce, followed the strategy of ploughing back the profit into the business to offer the online products at more affordable prices (Marsden, 2012). The buyers or consumers of the products, when found the products more easily accessible and even at more affordable prices, their preferences tilted more towards the online products. The successful capturing of consumer market has now made the companies like Facebook & Google the big business giants across the world, with the net worth in billions of dollars (Dobinick, 2012, p.107). The major change that can be observed with the introduction of the concepts such as social media and social commerce, the customers can find the opportunity to directly communicate with the producers of the products. The increase in interaction between the producer and the end consumer has made

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