Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Real Student Advice on College Interviews

Got a school talk with coming up yet not certain what's in store? s have you secured. Sourced from 60,000+ effective application records, our undergrads share their school talk with stories in detail, from regular inquiries posed to tone of discussion, perceive how the meeting affected their affirmations result. ajaxx513 College of Pennsylvania 20 My best meeting by a wide margin was my telephone meet. From the start, I totally feared having a meeting via telephone since I for one dont sound that eager or energized. I had no clue about how to sell myself without being there face to face. In any case, I wound up to be significantly progressively articulate in light of the fact that I wasnt sitting directly before them, so I didnt feel about as much weight. I sounded much increasingly loose and didnt get as anxious in light of the fact that I called from my room where I was agreeable. I really had much more to state about myself and my inclinations being loose via telephone than plunking down with my questioner. On the off chance that your questioner gives you the choice of a telephone meet, certainly do it on the off chance that you get apprehensive gathering new individuals face to face. Most regular inquiries posed in my meetings: 1. Enlighten me regarding yourself. 2. Why driven you to apply to X school? (Uniqueness!!) 3. What do you like to do in your available time? 4. What do you intend to contemplate? Why? 5. What started your enthusiasm for __? 6. What clubs/associations would you say you are right now in? 7. What clubs do you intend to join at X school? 8. What are you designs after student? 9. What makes you one of a kind? One final tip: Try to show that you have an energy, without really utilizing the word enthusiasm. Stanford2020 Stanford University 20 No inquiries truly found me napping in light of the fact that I had arranged generally what I would state to the standard inquiries like Tell me about yourself, Describe your greatest disappointment and what you realized, Why this school?, What might you bring to this school? and so forth. I would recommend doing likewise as a great deal of these come up. There are bunches of arrangements of basic inquiries on the web. I would likewise suggest acclimating yourself with current issues, which didnt come up in my meetings, however have come up in a portion of my companions. Tip top schools are searching for individuals who are mentally inquisitive and dont simply study to get passing marks, so it would look downright awful on the off chance that you had no clue about what was happening in your general surroundings. They were additionally substantially more conversational in nature than I expected - I would frequently just be posed a few inquiries in the entire hour since they would be intrigued by my answers and a characteristic discussion would create. Lmelcher Columbia University 20 Harvard, Yale, and Princeton: Amazing meetings. Each was around 40 minutes in length. There were no hardball inquiries in any of them. They would fundamentally ask me about myself and for what valid reason I needed to go to their school. Toward the end, every one of them said they would give a sparkling review.Advice: Research the school. Completely. Come equipped with names of divisions, educators, classes, lab offices, everything. Treat each school like its your top decision. No graduated class questioner needs to want to apply to their school was only a burden.Jpm13 College of Rochester ‘20 I met with 4 schools, which I portray the experience and inquiries they posed beneath. Recall that each meeting is extraordinary, and the most ideal approach to plan is to truly hear what youre saying. Be prepared to discuss your secondary school contribution in incredible detaildont burn through your time remembering news stories just in the event that they ask you new-related inquiries. By and large, dont fret a lot over the meeting. Its not huge. I have companions who had awful (like totally horrendous) talk with encounters yet at the same time got into their top schools. The schools I had great meeting encounters with (Harvard explicitly) I didnt get into. The most ideal approach to pro a meeting is to be set up to discuss yourself a great deal. Ask yourself what you need questioners to know. Dont be worried about being entertaining or excessively exhausting. Youre not going to be acknowledged/precluded on the grounds that from securing that. Offer your story and show authentic enthusiasm for the school. thefuzzhead1 College of Southern California 20 Continue understanding books! Not simply powerless anecdotal stories with no profundity (this incorporates Harry Potter generally, trust me). Attempt exemplary writing or even true to life, possibly follow the NY Times or some other stuff on it. Neglecting to escape your center school James Patterson-John Green-JK Rowling-Rick Riordan trench is awful. Practice the hard inquiries before the meeting. Inform me regarding yourself. For what reason would you like to go to ___? and so forth and so forth. You can practice (that is not the correct word; what you state ought not be the equivalent each time. Simply let if stream, dont have a careful content, yet have arguments, similar to a bulleted rundown or stream graph) before a mirror or with someone else. Or then again even a gathering - that wouldve assisted with my Jefferson Scholars meet.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

How to Become an Effective Manager Essay

There is a great deal of difficult work and abilities that should be created to turn into a genuine director. Administrators have a few aptitudes and gifts they learn as they advance in the working environment, not every one of them will build up the extremely straightforward and fundamental capacity to be a viable chief. They need to do much something beyond oversee funds and give ventures. A chief needs to show individuals and demonstrate them in a manner to permit them to be as well as can be expected be, so later on they also can progress up through the organization on their own characteristics. So first thing to turning into a viable supervisor, you need to improve your own administration capacities and activities that are should have been an extraordinary business pioneer. I think one about the most fundamental things that anybody must do is show others how its done. We do this as guardians, and we are educated to do it as more established kin for our more youthful siblings and sisters. Such a large number of supervisors regularly live by â€Å"do as I state, however not as I do,† as a substitute of setting a model for their workers. In the event that a director needs difficult work, and collaboration from the representatives in their organization, I imagine that they themself should initially show that they can likewise buckle down, that they are trust commendable, and that they are the same amount of a cooperative person as their workers. You need to tune in to the individuals you work with. A ton of times workers have extraordinary proposals that get neglected. Continuously speak with them, and ensure they realize they can come to you that you have an open entryway approach. Successful administrators will consistently offer credit to a representative who does it. Demonstrating thankfulness not exclusively will give them they are required and acknowledged, yet in addition fabricate their certainty and make them generally need to improve. Regardless of whether it indicating them openly or with a little reward. At the point when individuals are valued, it will consistently persuade them to need to perform better. Confiding in your workers and giving them duty. On the off chance that you don’t ever permit them to spread their wings and learn new things, where is the development open door for those people? Appointing ought to be done so everybody gets a chance to show their latent capacity. Everybody needs to go up, and not be stuck as a section level representative for eternity. Trust in them, and give them a chance. Everybody has various qualities and shortcoming that can be utilized for various employments. One may type better; one may communicate in an alternate language. This is the place fruitful designation will used to dole out the correct representative with the correct undertaking. Genuine pioneers will show force and self-assurance. What's more, in the event that you can show these characteristics to your workers again it’s about showing others how its done. It will thus move trust in them too. You must have a genuine vision of what your objectives and expectations are, and an unequivocal arrangement with regards to how you will accomplish those objectives. Put everything into composing, and go over it with the entirety of your representatives during gatherings, or one on ones so they know about them. Converse with them about what they figure, they may have worries that should be tended to.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Quitting Therapy for Borderline Personality Disorder

Quitting Therapy for Borderline Personality Disorder BPD Treatment Print What to Do If You Want to Quit Going to Therapy for BPD By Kristalyn Salters-Pedneault, PhD Kristalyn Salters-Pedneault, PhD, is a clinical psychologist and associate professor of psychology at Eastern Connecticut State University. Learn about our editorial policy Kristalyn Salters-Pedneault, PhD Updated on September 27, 2019 Hill Street Studios / Getty Images More in BPD Treatment Diagnosis Living With BPD Related Conditions If you have  borderline personality disorder (BPD), its very common to feel like you want to quit therapy. In fact, it is quite natural to get frustrated with therapy or your therapist  or to feel like psychotherapy is not working anymore. But many people leave therapy before they have reached their treatment goalsâ€"research shows that about 47 percent of people with BPD leave treatment prematurely. Quitting therapy is a big decision, so think through your reasons and your treatment goals. Consider Your Reasons for Wanting to Quit BPD Therapy Before dropping out of therapy, think about your reasons for wanting to leave; you may find it helpful to write a list. Common causes include: You don’t feel like the therapy is workingYou don’t like your therapistYou don’t have time to attend sessionsYou think youve gotten better and are ready to go it aloneThe things you talk about in session are too ?emotional/intenseYou don’t think your therapist likes youYou will never get better no matter what you doYou believe your therapist is incompetentYou don’t have enough money to pay for sessions Talk to Your Therapist Now that you have a list of your reasons for wanting to quit therapy, put a star next to the biggest reasons so that you can discuss them with your therapist. Perhaps you are embarrassed to discuss dropping out with your therapist because you don’t want to disappoint or offend him. Or maybe you don’t trust her enough to discuss it with her. Whatever your reason, addressing your concerns about therapy with your counselor may help. For instance, if you want to quit because of money or because of your schedule, your therapist could perhaps work out a payment plan or agree to meet you after her main office hours. She can also give you a referral to another therapist if you feel like youre not clicking with her or making enough progress.   Dont be afraid to begin this discussion. Its highly unlikely that your therapist has not had a discussion such as this before. Therapy brings up many emotions, and its very common for people to want to give up or to feel that nothing will really help. Be as honest as you can be. Keep in mind that your therapist does what she does because she wants to help people. Is It the Disorder Talking? In some cases, the symptoms of BPD can convince you to quit therapy. If you experience splitting, you may view your therapist with suspicion or dislike which could cause you to drop out of therapy too early.  People with depression  as part of BPD can have periods of hopelessness and extremely low motivation, which can make them want to drop out of therapy as well.   In both of these cases, a therapist can help you think through what is in your best interest versus what your disorder is “telling you” to do. Pros and Cons of Quitting Therapy Another technique that can help you decide whether to drop out of therapy is called the pros and cons tool. This is a tool that is taught in dialectical  behavior therapy  and can be a great way of thinking through many different kinds of decisions. Once you complete the pros and cons tool, think more about what direction you want to head in. Does quitting therapy still seem like a good idea? Or, is it becoming clearer that another path might make more sense? If quitting therapy still seems like the right choice, does this mean quitting therapy outright, or just changing therapists or the type of therapy you are receiving? Think through all of your options to make the best decision for you. Get Support From the 9 Best Online Therapy Programs The Bottom Line The bottom line is that there are many reasons that people drop out of therapy and sometimes these are unavoidable. But sometimes people drop out of therapy prematurely without thinking it through and talking to their therapists about it. If you are sure that you need to drop out, consider other avenues of treatment. And, whether you choose to continue working with a therapist or not, continue to work on your skills for coping with borderline personality disorder. Finally, before leaving therapy, make sure you have a safety plan for BPD in place.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Discipline And Punish By Nietzsche, Structuralism And...

‘Discipline and Punish’ does not claim to be a structuralist interpretation of the prison, the book is in many ways an attempt to give a theoretical grounding to what Foucault had seen, to explain the conditions and structures of the places he visited in terms of the operation of power in society. Three influences are particularly important in Discipline and Punish: Nietzsche, structuralism and Foucault s political activism. None entirely explain his project, however. There has been a shift in types of punishment for criminals. Once these tended to focus on torture are dismemberment applied directly to bodies, but now the notion of punishment involves a public appearance in court, as well as much more â€Å"humane† sentences. This change involves distancing ourselves from spectacle, and is accompanied by a division of labor between courts and jails. Crucially, there is also an underlying technology of punishment, which changes from machines to do capital punishment to developing social machines to accomplish reform or conversion. There is also a shift from a notion of the body as a site of pain to one where a body simply loses rights. This is not an even historical process, and not a simple one. George Bernard Shaw, in Man and Superman (1903) said â€Å"Criminals do not die by the hands of the law. They die by the hands of other men.† KEY WORDS: Surveillance, punishment, crime, soul purification Punishment was always more than the punishment of specific crimes. It was a matter

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Introduction of the Cut Throat Institutions of Western...

What many considered the modernization of China was actually China’s introduction to the cut throat institutions of western capitalism, foreign policy, and western imperialism. China for centuries had dealt with foreigners on its own understanding of foreign policy called the tribute system which maintain the idea that outside nations would be submissive to China authority as a sign of respect to the Emperor because China was seen as the most advance country in the world and in recognition of the heavenly mandate. The tribute system was mostly used between China and nomadic Asian tribes as a form of peace negotiations. Later when western influences came to China to trade, China developed the Canton system as a way to strictly control foreign trade with the western European nations (mostly England). In the 19th century the Qing dynasty experienced a decline. A series of peasant rebellions (Taiping rebellion 1851-1864 C.E, Miao rebellions), poor central administration, and a dra stic growth in population left the Qing government vulnerable to the European’s superior military power. England tired of the strict regulation of the Canton system, what they believed to be the Chinese undeserved entitled attitudes, and the need for new markets, used gun diplomacy to force China to accept unequal treaties and open its foreign trade. This was China’s introduction to ‘modernity’, but in truth it was the imperial nations craving up of China for their benefit and labeling it as bringingShow MoreRelatedStudent7526 Words   |  31 Pagesglobalization has had a major effect in developing countries because of brain drain. Globalization can therefore be said to have had a phenomenal impact on a developing economy like Kenya that is both positive and negative as explored in the paper. INTRODUCTION Globalization was defined by Giddens (1990) as the ‘intensification of worldwide social relations which link distant localities in such a way that local happenings are shaped by events occurring miles away and vice versa’. This definition embodiesRead MoreImpact of Hrm7495 Words   |  30 Pagesglobalization has had a major effect in developing countries because of brain drain. Globalization can therefore be said to have had a phenomenal impact on a developing economy like Kenya that is both positive and negative as explored in the paper. INTRODUCTION Globalization was defined by Giddens (1990) as the ‘intensification of worldwide social relations which link distant localities in such a way that local happenings are shaped by events occurring miles away and vice versa’. This definition embodiesRead MoreHealthcare Essay18323 Words   |  74 Pageshealth care To speculate on whether the era of socialized medicine has dawned in the United States â€Å"Where’s the market?† 81 26501_CH03_FINAL.indd 81 7/27/11 10:31:29 AM 82 CHAPTER 3 The Evolution of Health Services in the United States Introduction The health care delivery system of the United States evolved quite differently from the systems in Europe. American values and the social, political, and economic antecedents on which the US system is based have led to the formation of a uniqueRead MoreExploring Corporate Strategy - Case164366 Words   |  658 Pagesundertake additional reading from other sources and that their ‘practical’ work is supplemented by other material as mentioned above. ââ€"  ââ€"  ECS8C_C01.qxd 22/10/2007 11:54 Page 600 600 Guide to the main focus of cases in the book Introduction to strategy Business environment: general Five forces analysis Capability analysis Corporate governance Stakeholder expectations Social responsibility Culture Competitive strategy Strategic options: directions Corporate-level strategy InternationalRead MoreA Study on Customer Preference in Retail Store- Adani Store28361 Words   |  114 PagesSUMMARY |02 | |02 |PREFACE |03 | |03 |INTRODUCTION OF RETAILING |04 | |04 |INDUSTRIAL ANALYSIS |07 | |05 Read MoreLogical Reasoning189930 Words   |  760 PagesWriting to Convince Others................................................................................ 197 Writing with Precision and to Your Audience .............................................................................. 198 The Introduction............................................................................................................................. 200 The Middle ......................................................................................................

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Vs. Emission Testing - 1200 Words

In a modern society, people always face the dilemma to choose whether obey ethic standards or gain more profit. This problem is the much-debated one in that it affects everyone in their daily lives. Despite various responses, people may have on the topic that the Volkswagen engineer James Liang pleads guilty for his role in cheat U.S. emission test. Back to last year James Liang and his co-conspirators designed and implemented software for new â€Å"EA 189† diesel engine, to cheat the missions tests. They knew it was impossible to create a diesel engine that could meet the U.S. emission standard, so they developed a software â€Å"defeat device,† which could recognize the difference between using the dynamometer to measure the emission quality in†¦show more content†¦It is important to have an understanding of Maxim, Will, and Duty to better understand the Categorical Imperative theory. Maxim is a subjective principle of volition; Kant believed that when people were doing something, they always followed the general principle. For example, if one person needed to borrow some money from his friend, and he knows that he was not able to pay it back. However, he still borrowed that money from his friend. In this time, the general principle is that whenever I need money, I can borrow it from the others, even though I know that I would not give it back. So that people would follow this general principle under the same situation if they argue with it. Also, the will means what makes a good man good is the will to have a decision that is decided by universal moral law in some way. Besides, the last one is the duty, according to Kant’s theory; he believed that self-interest and motivation are different; how people act from the respect of the universal law would make a good will. In another word, the theory of duty is a person with the capacity to act morally to universal law. Furthermore, to better illustrate Kant’s theory there is no better way than comparing the differences between that with rule utilitarianism. The principle of utility is â€Å"the greatest amount of good for the greatest number. â€Å", which is also called consequentialism; the moral behaviorShow MoreRelatedThe Fuel Of Diesel Cars762 Words   |  4 Pagesdid the impossible for quite a while; until it came to light that they were cheating on emissions tests; likely killing diesel’s future as a fuel. A year before Charles and Frank made their first car, Rudolf Diesel patented the design for diesel powered combustion engine. He believed that this would revolutionize the industry, because diesel fuel harbored a higher concentration of energy per gallon (132Ãâ€"106 vs 155Ãâ€"106 joules, gasoline and diesel respectively; in terms of energy density). 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Carbon price (Carbon Pricing) is an environmental economic term that describe a method for reducing the carbon dioxide (CO2, greenhouse gas) emission. It must be paid for the right to emit one ton of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. The second paper is â€Å"Seismic fragilities for nuclear power plant risk studies †. This paper is a scientific report that talked about the seismic fragility of theRead MoreEssay Biodiesel vs. Ethanol1076 Words   |  5 PagesBiodiesel vs. Ethanol Both biodiesel and ethanol are derivatives of biomass that have been processed to create a liquid biofuel. Both types of biofuels have been touted as secure and environmentally safe alternatives to fossil fuels, however the research verifying these claims is extensive but often contradicting. In the following paper, the efficiency and quality of the two types of biofuel will be discussed. The effects of variables such as source materials and production techniques on efficiencyRead MoreThe Decision Making Of An Organization1367 Words   |  6 Pagesneed is the need of a company to make changes that reduce the effects of anticipated but uncontrollable changes in the environment. An example of this is a car company that anticipates increased taxes on high emission vehicles and attempts to lower the emission levels of their cars. Reactive vs Proactive Planning: The adaptive and developmental needs of the rational decision making process can also been seen as reactive and proactive planning. Under reactive planning, planning ahead for problems or

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Quality Management Plan Business Quality Planning

Question: Describe about the Quality Management Plan for Business Quality Planning. Answer: Introduction The validation of the completion of the project deliverables with an acceptable quality level is the purpose of managing quality. The quality of the output of the project processes used to manage the deliverables and the creation of deliverables are assured by quality management. The level of quality is defined with the help of a quality management plan. Typically the level of quality is defined by the customers. The quality management plan describes how the project is taken and will ensure the quality level of the deliverables and the work processes. It is an integral part of any project management plan. It describes how the quality will be managed throughout the project lifecycle. It gives instructions as to how the project team will implement, communicate and support the project quality practices (Ahuja, 2012). It also clarifies the procedure and processes for conducting quality assurance, quality planning, quality control, and the process of continuous improvement. It is necessar y that every stakeholder is aware and familiar with the quality procedures. The outcome of the whole quality management plan will depend on the products produced and its quality. Here a quality management plan will be developed that will elaborate all the steps required for a successful quality management of products (Chen Wang, 2016). Steps of Quality Management Plan Purpose and Objectives The Quality Management Plan or QMP will authorize the procedures, processes, and activities for making sure of the quality product upon the projects conclusion. Under the purpose and objective heading it will document, a high level, the all-around approach for the management of quality for the project and it defines the plans purpose in delivering the quality product. The main purposes of QMP are to:- Ensure quality is planned Defining the management of quality Defining the quality assurance activities Defining the quality control activities Defining the standard quality that is accepted by all (Hanaysha, Abdullah, Ghani, 2016) Quality Management Scope The scope of the quality management activities will be defined in this section. If there are particular project areas where the application of quality standards is required, then those areas should be mentioned in the quality management scope. The activities of quality management are spread in the whole project lifecycle. From the staring that means from the initiation to the closure, the scope of quality management will appear in all the activities of the project phase (Kilgore, Radich, Harrison, 2011). For attaining success, a project has to meet the quality objectives by utilizing a unitary quality approach that defines the quality standards, measure it and continuously improve it. This step of QMP will be taken in the starting of the process by including stakeholders and quality assurance team members. This will allow the focus of the team on the items related to the quality of the product in the starting stages. This is done to incorporate specific quality activities and standard earlier in the project (Konidari Abernot, 2006). A weekly and monthly measurement report of the quality can be used as a tool to communicate the risks or issues that may arise in the quality. In the quality management scope step of the QMP following elements will be described and defined:- Quality Planning, assurance, and control Quality standards and activities relevant to the product Relevant quality measures and metrics for standards for project product functionality, management performance, deliverables, and documentation and testing. Quality assurance and control roles and responsibilities Software and tools required supporting quality management (Lau, Yam, Tang, 2011) Quality Planning The step of quality planning will be defining the requirements and standards of quality to be used for the project. This step should be performed along with the other planning processes of the project. For example, the changes proposed in the product to meet the described standards of the quality that may require schedule adjustment or cost, and a detailed analysis of risk that may impact the plan. The inputs that can be included in the quality planning includes the Scope Baseline (the work breakdown structure, the scope statement, and work breakdown structure dictionary), the organizational process assets, the stakeholder register, schedule baseline, cost performance baseline, risk register, organizational process assets, and enterprise environmental factors (Lyhne, Cashmore, Runhaar, van Laerhoven, 2015). Some tools and techniques which may come in use in this step for quality planning include quality management methodologies, statistical sampling, flow-charting, design experiments, benchmarking, control charts, the cost of quality, and cost-benefit analysis. Its output will include quality metrics, process improvement plans, quality checklists, quality management plan, and process document updates (O'Mahony Garavan, 2012). The quality planning requires the support of the senior project manager, team, sponsor, and other experienced and important seniors. Implementation and compliance with the quality planning with the QMP is a shared responsibility of all the project personnel. Quality planning includes following processes:- Establishing Quality Standards- the process of quality planning establishes the quality assurance and quality control standards, the project, procedures, standards, and descriptions that the project team may need. The quality process standards, description, and procedures applicable to the project phases will be defined and developed by the quality manager and senior project director in collaboration with the process owners and the team leaders (Wong, Tseng, Tan, 2013). Identify Quality Metrics- this part of the process identifies the metrics that the team may use. The quality manager and senior project director will work in collaboration with the team leaders, and process owners, who have developed and identified the quality metrics that may, needed to apply to the project. At different phases, the metrics which were based on project team established quality standards will be refined and documented in QMP. The quality metrics will be evaluating the goal achievement (Yang, 2011). Create Quality Checklists- the team will be using a quality checklist identified by the quality planning process. As an integral part, the project team will use the quality checklist on the process and product quality reviews. The application process of the quality checklist will be discussed in the process of quality assurance and product quality assurance sections. Problem Remediation- to determine the corrective actions and the improvements required for the process a discussion will take place in a meeting scheduled by the senior project manager separately. The outcome of the meeting will act on, wherever possible for improving the success of future project phases. It will be done by incorporating the experiences and lesson learned during the phase of planning activities. The quality of the project activities and the deliverables will increase through the incorporation of the quality management recommendation came into view from preceding review. This step will help in minimizing the issues at the end of the project and promotes a successful go-live (Gershon Rajashekharaiah, 2013). Quality Assurance Quality assurance is the section of QMP that explain the way to define and document the process of auditing the requirements for the quality and results that would be achieved from quality control measurements for quality standards compliance. It provides confidence that the quality requirements are getting fulfilled and helps in ensuring that the process of the project being used to deliver and manage the projects product is effective and applied properly (Huotari Havrdova, 2016). Throughout the projects life-cycle an iterative quality process will be used to ensure the quality. In quality assurance planning following actions need to be taken:- Determine the key processes need to be reviewed Determine the quality review standards Determine the expectations of stakeholders for effective business process Explain the quality assurance tools and activities Build measurement timelines and concluding actions (Indelicato, 2013) The techniques and tools that can be used for quality assurance process analysis, cause and effects diagrams, cause analysis, quality audits, control charts, quality control logs, and process flow mapping. The output of the quality assurance can be described with the help of organizational process assets updates, project management plan updates, change requests, and project document updates (Ip, 2009). Once all the activities of the quality assurance will be completed the senior project director will be scheduling a regular meeting for reviewing its findings. These reviews will include an agenda that will be a review of project processes, any error or variation, the findings of the audit coming from the quality manager, and the discussion on the initiatives taken or need to be taken on the process improvement. All the changes made will be documented, implemented and communicated to the members of the team regarding the process improvement efforts (Levin, 2014). Quality Control The method of defining and documenting the process to monitor and record the results of the executing the quality activities are known as quality control. This will be done to assess the performance and recommend the necessary changes. This is the part that apply on the product of the project. It includes the acceptable standards and the deliverable performance of the product and the method of measuring them (Li, Yang, Wu, 2008). The actions need to be completed as a part of quality control planning is as follows:- Determine the key deliverables need to be reviewed Determine the quality review standards Determine the correctness and completeness criteria suggested and defined by the customers Explain the quality control tools and activities Build measurement timelines and concluding actions Determine the owners of ongoing improvement and monitoring of project processes (Liang, 2010). Quality control inputs may include the quality metrics, work performance measurements, updated documentation deliverables, project management plan, quality checklists, approved change request, and organizational process assets. In quality control, the techniques and tools that can be used are control charts, cause and effect diagrams, flowcharting, Pareto charts, histograms, scatter diagrams, run charts, statistical sampling, approved change requests review, and inspection (Madadi Wong, 2014). The output can consist of quality control measurements, change requests, validated changes, organizational process assets updates, validated deliverables, project document updates, and project management plan updates. The steps that a quality control process involves are as follows:- Monitoring, validating, and verifying the work products to make sure that the requirements need to fulfilled for quality and scope of work are getting fulfilled or not. Inspection of documentation and deliverables and comparing them to a standard of quality that the stakeholders of the project have defined. To verify that the technical specification and the users requirements are met before as well as after the product gets approved and promoted to a stable production environment. To monitor the output of the workflow progress, detection of problems and defects, and allowing for taking corrective steps before the delivery of the services and products (Persic, Markic, Persic, 2016). Regular meetings will be scheduled by the senior project manager for the review of documents, management, and project. The agenda of the review will be revolving around the review of the products, any discrepancies or variation, and suggestion and discussion of product improvement initiatives (Prida And Grijalvo, 2008). Quality Management Roles and Responsibilities Quality management is the responsibility that has to be taken by all the members of the project team. This section of QMP will describe the primary roles and responsibilities that the project staff will handle in relation to the practice of the quality management for the project. All the role responsibilities and roles need to be clearly documented, defined and agreed upon between the project sponsor, senior project director, and quality manager (Rodrigues, 2007). As they all play a very important role in the quality management for the product. It is essential for a team that it makes sure that the work is completed as per the level which is the adequate quality level from individual work packages till the deliverables of the final project. For the project the quality roles and responsibilities required are as follows: Project Sponsor It the responsibility of the project sponsor to approve the quality standards for the project A project sponsor reviews the quality report and then provides assistance in the resolution of the escalated issues The final acceptances of the project deliverables are to be signed off by authority of the project sponsor (Sagiv Ladany, 2006). Senior Project Director Senior project director makes sure that all the processes, documentation, and tasks are in compliance with the plan and to do so he has to implement the quality management plan It is his responsibility to maintain quality management throughout the projects duration He should collaborate with the quality manager, specialists, and process owners to develop the quality metrics and standards according to the phases. He should ensure the compliance of team members with quality management processes (Starzyrska Hamrol, 2013) Supporting the quality manager in securing resources for performing the quality management Senior project director should participate in the review of quality management as required The quality standards need to be communicated to the project team and stakeholders (Steensen, 2010). Quality Manager A quality manager provides the overall leadership of quality management activities that includes the managing quality reviews and overseeing of the follow-on of the corrective actions He should develop and maintain the assurance plan of the project software quality He should generate and maintain the schedule of activities of software quality assurance He should collaborate with the quality specialist, senior project directors, and process owners for the development of quality metrics and standards (Taboada Coit, 2007). Raise the issues of non-compliance with the senior project director. He should keep the quality management plan updated and maintain the quality standards of the overall project processes and products (Tomazevic, Tekavcic, Peljhan, 2015). Quality Specialist/ Team Leaders/ Managers A team leader has a responsibility to support and oversee the application of quality standards set for the project process He should collaborate with the other team members like the senior project director, process owners, and quality manager in developing the quality plan which includes the quality metrics and standards. As required the team leader should participate in the quality management reviews. He should conduct the inspection of the quality assurance and quality control as appropriate (Tsui, 2010) The tools and methodologies for tracking quality and standards will be recommended by the team leader to establish acceptable quality levels. He should create and maintain the logs of quality control and assurance throughout the project He should conduct the assessment of the process and products, as explained in the plan Metrics need to developed and maintained (Welikala And Sohal, 2008) Process Owners A project owner should oversee and support in the project process by implicating the quality standards on the assigned processes. Keeping collaboration with the other team members that includes the quality manager, quality specialists, and senior project director His participation should be there in the reviews of quality management (Wickramasinghe Perera, 2012) Quality Management Records and Reports The section of the quality management plan that will keep the general information about the types of records and report that gets created and retained as a projects quality activities part. The location of the retention and the report and data format will vary from project to project. By maintaining these records the objective evidence and traceability of the assessment performed can be provided throughout the projects lifecycle. Some examples of the records are the assessment reports of process and products, metrics, weekly and monthly status reports, and completed checklists. A shared document repository can be used by the team members as a part of the quality activities and reviews that will contain the reporting data and the reports produced. The maintenance of the records will be done through the implementation phase of the project (Yang, 2011). Quality Measurements Tools The section of quality measurements and tools will contain a sample or useable log or a table that can be used in taking quality measurements and then for doing the comparison of them against standards and requirements. There are various formats of these forms. To provide documentation of the finding is the most important aspect of this log. Some action needs to be taken if the actual measurements do not meet the requirements or standards. This can be done during the regularly scheduled meeting for the project status or if necessary throughout the life-cycle of the project. Work is going on in the development and designing of a standard project measurements and metrics plan that can be applicable to all the projects (Gershon Rajashekharaiah, 2013). The team can use different tools when activities are performed of quality management for the project (Huotari Havrdova, 2016). The tools that can be used are as follows:- Software Quality Tools Microsoft Office Tools like Excel, Power Point, Word, and Project Test management software Test Management Repository Defect Tracking Software and Defect Management Repository (Li, Yang, Wu, 2008). Project Management Tools Project Server Issues and risk management system Deliverables Repository Software Vendor Problem Reporting Schedule Management and Tracking software (Madadi Wong, 2014) Problems and Solutions Problems Problems that an organization may face while implementing the quality management standards are as follows:- Competitive Markets- the main force and a reason of many other obstacles to quality is the competitive markets. It is a mental barrier that occurs by misunderstanding the definition of the quality. Companies equate quality with high cost, but the actual definition is bringing quality in the product in every function of the company. If the functions of the company are poor then the result in the form of the product will also be poor (Persic, Markic, Persic, 2016). Abdication of responsibility- the poor management practices, competitive environment, and a general lack of higher expectations has inflated the unhealthy and unproductive attitudes. Such attitudes are expressed by saying "It's not my job." Employees are trained to follow management with closed eyes which foster the motivation and creativity of them. Lack of leadership for quality- many layers and levels of management often result in duplication of responsibility and duty. This makes the quality implementation a managements job. This lead to discrepancies in taking the responsibility of quality between employees and the management. Employees involved in production and has a responsibility to incorporate quality in the product do not feel attached with process and hence do not take the initiative to make quality checks as per the customer's demand (Chen Wang, 2016). Deficiency of Cultural Dynamism- every organization has its own work culture which is preferred to be followed by the people associated with it. They like to stick to its old culture, which is in need of change to give the customer the quality he wants from the product. Inadequate cultural dynamism makes it difficult to implement the quality control steps in the organization. Inadequate resources for implementing quality management standards-Most of companys strategic plans do not include the standards of quality management and little funds are being allotted to it. When bringing the new changes in the company to get the adequate quality outcome, requirement of resources increases which affects the budget of the company. Many companies find it as an unnecessary expense for the company (Starzyrska Hamrol, 2013). Lack of Customer focus- most of the organizations strategic plans are not customer driven. They are more profit-oriented objectives in given period. Little market research is done to find out what are the customers requirements and demands from the product related to its quality. Lack of effective measurement of improving quality- QMP focuses on customers demand and need to be fulfilled from the product related to its quality. It is based on the customers feedback in developing the standards of the quality in the product. Many companies lack the effective measurement tools which are necessary to measure the quality and the improvement required in the quality (O'Mahony Garavan, 2012). Poor Planning- when a sound strategy is absent from the planning then it contributes to the ineffective quality improvement. In the starting phase only the planning goes wrong which affects the whole process and the outcome of the quality of the product is not up to the mark. Lack of management commitment- announcing and taking initiative in the implementation of quality management plan are two different things. Just by setting up the steps and design of the quality management plan is not sufficient, implementation and running of is properly is also very important to get the desired outcome from the planning. It is the management duty to effectively implement the quality plan in the organization (Taboada Coit, 2007). Resistance of the work-force- sometimes the work-force employed by the organization becomes unwilling to take up the initiative to improve quality by implementing the quality management plan. The reason may the changes in the procedure that the organization will go through or the extra pressure and workload they will face due to it Lack of proper training- if changes are to be brought in the working of the organization, then training for the changes needs to be given to employees. This will familiarize them with the change. Many times this does not happen and the result is poor implementation of the management plan (Yang, 2011). Recommendations or Solutions For successful implementation of the Quality Management Plan to achieve the Quality Management Standards are as follows:- The purpose towards improvement of the product should be created consistently to bring competitiveness in business and provide jobs to people required to bring the quality management The dependency on mass inspection should be ceased and instead of that the statistical evidences should be considered around which quality is built on. Adopting new philosophy as per the requirement of the new age. Effective work-force, no mistake, best material, and no delays should be the focus of the company. Proper training to the employees regarding the expected changes will help them to become familiar with the new procedures and accept them easily. Still the company find it difficult to implement the quality management plan, and then a thorough search is required to find the exact problem and the factors behind the problem (Prida And Grijalvo, 2008). Conclusion Quality is an important factor that an organization tries to maintain with a lot of efforts. A plan of maintaining the quality of the product as per the demand and requirements of the customers need to be designed and this is done through the quality management plan. There are many steps that are needed to be followed to reach the quality maintenance throughout the projects life-cycle. This includes the quality assurance, control, and role and responsibilities of the people associated with the project and quality management plan. If properly followed, then all the barriers that may arise during the process can be overcome, and total quality can be found in the product. References Ahuja, I. (2012). Total quality management implementation for reducing percent process defects in a manufacturing organisation.International Journal Of Business Performance Management,13(1), 1. Baharum, Z., Nawawi, A., Saat, Z. (2009). 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